Two Rivers Sand, Gravel & Reservoir Project

Project Information


The Two Rivers Sand, Gravel and Reservoir project is located near the confluence of the South Platte River and Big Thompson River. Our site encompasses 400 acres, of which 200 will remain in a natural state with the remainder being mined. Understanding and minimizing disturbances to the pristine ecological and environmental landscape of this area is of great value to the way Raptor conducts its business.

Map of project area

What Material is Raptor Materials Mining?

Raptor Materials specializes in mining high quality sand and gravel — materials essential to supporting daily life. These materials are used to make concrete, asphalt, roads, blocks and bricks. Every year, approximately 3 ½ tons of sand and gravel are required by every person in the United States for domestic construction, landscaping and community infrastructure.

Anticipated project start date: Early 2024

Image of excavator pouring material into processing bin

The Mining Process

The process begins with removal of the material from the surface of the site using an excavator. Topsoil is reserved for reclamation while the stone, sand and gravel is moved to processing via trucks and/or conveyors. Processing consists of screens, crushers and washing equipment. The screens size the material to specification, crushers break oversized rock into smaller particles and the washing equipment cleans fines and clays from finished products.



Image of excavator pouring material into truck

Typically, a mine site will have two methods of processing. The first is “dry” processing which creates materials used for road base and engineered fill. These materials are used as a base for building roads and structures. The second is “washed” processing which uses water to clean the rock. The washed products are utilized in the production of concrete, asphalt and landscaping. The products created by our processes are used in every facet of construction.

Image of dry processing machinery

Dry Processing

Image of washed processing machinery

Washed Processing

After processing, the material is stockpiled for pickup. Semi-trucks come to the site, are loaded with material and weighed. From there, they head to their destination.

Land Reclamation

The majority of the site will be reclaimed as water storage. The storage will be used to capture and hold water when it is plentiful for use when there is less water or during a drought. The balance of the site will be reclaimed with native grasses. Reclaimed gravel pits function as a buffer and conserve areas for the future. Wildlife is abundant and diverse at reclaimed sites.

Image of mining vehicles beginning reclamation process
Image of a reclamation pond after mining has been completed
Image of Bald Eagles in a tree at a Raptor Materials reclaimed mining site

About Us

Who is Raptor Materials?

Raptor Materials, LLC is a locally operated sand, gravel and ready-mixed concrete producer located in Frederick, Colorado. In April of 2022, Raptor purchased Varra Companies, Inc., a similar mining producer having served in northern Colorado for over 75 years. Raptor Materials is committed to upholding this legacy of conducting responsible business practices in the region while also prioritizing the well-being of the land and the community it serves.

Our goal is to serve our community with necessary construction materials while maintaining world class standards for safety and environmental integrity. Central to this goal is that the majority of our people live and work in the communities in which we operate. Raptor proudly carries forward the strong tradition of service established by the Varra family. Service is not only a part of our work, it’s a core value that we uphold as the benchmark of success.

In the Community

As Raptor’s predecessor, Varra Companies has served northern Colorado since 1948. Our unwavering commitment to providing exceptional service is demonstrated day in and day out — persisting rain or shine, during normal times and extreme emergencies. We’ve been active in Weld County since the 1960s, mining material along the St. Vrain River and the Cache la Poudre River and providing materials to countless projects in Weld County and beyond.

Building on the tradition started by the Varra family, Raptor aims to strengthen and enhance the solid foundation they established. Our capabilities have expanded significantly – allowing us to meet the growing demands of the communities we serve in a safe and sustainable manner.  

Mining Permit Process

Permitting is a multifaceted process involving federal, state and local authorities. The Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety (DRMS) is the lead state agency for issuing mining and reclamation permits and for enforcing acts and regulations. The Minerals Program of DRMS (Colorado DRMS) is responsible for the implementation of the Colorado Land Reclamation Act for the Extraction of Construction Materials—The Two Rivers Sand, Gravel and Reservoir project falls under this category.

The Minerals Program seeks to foster and encourage the orderly development of the state’s natural resources while requiring those persons involved in extraction operations to reclaim the affected land so that it may be put to a use beneficial to the people of Colorado. The program works towards conserving natural resources, aiding in the protection of wildlife and aquatic resources, establishing agricultural, recreational, residential and industrial sites, and protecting and promoting the health, safety and general welfare of the people of Colorado.

The Minerals Program carries out its responsibilities for all permitted mineral mines and exploration operations through:

Characterization of the Property

A thorough characterization of the property, including aspects such as water, wildlife, soils, vegetation, climate, geotechnical stability, and structures and ownership on or immediately adjacent to the affected area. Supported by this information, mining and reclamation plans are created. Permit reviews by DRMS and other specialists focus on ensuring impacts to water are minimized and protections for wildlife have been adequately addressed. Post-mining land use is also an important consideration to ensure all mined land is reclaimed to beneficial use.


A performance and financial warranty must be posted before the mining operation can start. The performance warranty is a written promise that the operator will comply with all applicable requirements of the Construction Materials Act and regulations of the Mined Land Reclamation Board.

The financial warranty is determined by the DRMS during the permit review process. It is set and maintained at a level which reflects the actual current cost of fulfilling the requirements of the Reclamation Plan. The DRMS may, in its discretion, review any financial warranty for adequacy at any time.

Inspections of the Site

Inspections of the mine site are carried out regularly to ensure compliance with the Colorado Land Reclamation Act, and the requirements of an operator’s approved permit. Inspections focus on a variety of topics including:

  • General compliance with Mining Plan.
  • Erosion and sediment control.
  • Stormwater management.
  • Topsoil salvage and replacement.
  • Processing facilities.
  • Acid or toxic materials.
  • Backfilling and grading.
  • Protection of the hydrologic balance.
  • Protection of wildlife resources.
  • Revegetation success.

Permits are also required from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment has jurisdiction in enforcing air, surface and ground water quality standards. The Division of Water Resources has jurisdiction over water rights and water quantity related issues for both surface water and groundwater. 

Other state agencies consulted during This project’s DRMS permitting process include: 

Local governments regulate land use planning and zoning which governs a number of factors–including where mines can be located. For the Two Rivers Project, regulatory consideration primarily came from the City of Evans. Notice and consultation were also sought from Weld County and the Town of Milliken.

Public Meeting

Raptor Materials hosted a public meeting to discuss this project with the community on Thursday, June 1, 2023 in Evans, Colorado.

Contact Us

For more information about the project, please reach out to General Manager of Aggregate Development, Garrett Varra, at gvarra@raptormaterialsllc.